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Brilliance exists in the minds of famous poets. They see the world in different ways--some say they see more accurately while others say their minds transpose ordinary life into lyrical metaphors and symbols. Whichever is closer to the truth, maybe both apply, they certainly use the poetic form to I've us another perspective on everyday life. The quotes in this slideshow offer glimpses of how their minds work.

Robert Penn Warren Poetry Quote


Robert Penn Warren (April 24, 1905 – September 15, 1989) was an American poet, novelist, and literary critic and was one of the founders of New Criticism. He was also a charter member of the Fellowship of Southern Writers. He founded the literary journal The Southern Review with Cleanth Brooks in 1935. He received the 1947 Pulitzer Prize for the Novel for All the King's Men (1946) and the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1958 and 1979. He is the only person to have won Pulitzer Prizes for both fiction and poetry.

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